How was your last year? Best Words? #MutualAidSociety #TeamHuman @bankillerrobots


THE BEST POST on Mutual Aid: Dr. Bramhall's blog

The most goggled word: Pandemic

The Best Word of 2020: Mutual Aid Society

Mutual aid is arguably as ancient as human culture. People in every society in every time period have worked together to ensure their communities can survive...


In organization theory, Mutual Aid is a voluntary reciprocal exchange of resources and services for mutual benefit. Mutual aid projects are a form of political participation in which people take responsibility for caring for one another and changing political conditions. 


THE BEST IDEA of 2020 or ever... Mutual Aid Societies


JOIN ME: #TEAMHUMAN   Visit: Stop Killer Robots

Ways to help:

  • Donate to support campaigning efforts to avoid dehumanizing the use of force
  • Share the call for a ban with followers, friends, family, and colleagues
  • Tag @bankillerrobots on Twitter and tell us why you're #TeamHuman!



Sean said…
Who are these 5% who had something good to say about 2020? It will be nice to start a new calendar this week. Happy New Year!
LT said…
Happy New Year Sean and Jay. My love to you both!

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