Blue Indians Books: Hentz releases new creative non-fiction

Blue Hand Books Collective: Hentz releases new creative non-fiction: ON EBAY! here


Greenfield, Massachusetts [2018]  --  “There is a clear sense of urgency in my new book, on a vast variety of topics” said Blue Hand Books founder and award winning journalist Trace L Hentz, author of  Mental Midgets| Musqonocihte “It’s a Miracle We’ve Survived This Far,” (ISBN: 9781731074010, Publisher: Blue Hand Books, Massachusetts). 

“It’s quite clear we are distressed with changes all around us, and it’s gone global,” Hentz explained.  “John Trudell said it best in an interview I share in the book. ‘The answer is NON-COOPERATION and a clear coherent thinking human being…” 

Trudell didn’t waste words. Neither does Hentz.

She describes this twin book as a collection of factoids, thoughts, quips, code, quotes, photos, thought bombs, creative non-fiction, Native American history and prose. And it’s short (91 pages).  Musqonichte translates Blue Sky.

Horror writer and blogger KC Redding gave early praise for the new work, “I like the format of Midgets, the way each work sneaks up on you by yelling in your ear first.  Kind of reminds me of walk softly, big stick words...”

On the book jacket, Poet and author MariJo Moore writes, "Prepare yourself for a short journey into a long reality. Do yourself a favor and read and reread with an opening mind. This author knows of what she writes....."

After cancer surgery in May, Hentz said the book itself came together quickly, quite like the miracle we’ve survived this far, a recent quote from Noam Chomsky in the new book.

“Everything about this twin book surprises me.  From the book size (8 in. x 10 in.), to using my photos, I started collecting thoughts maybe five years ago and joked to friends I hoped to get (Mental Midgets) done this century.” Then it morphed into two books.  Hentz knows it’s timely. “You will want to sit with this book.  It may be short, but it takes long thinking.”

In 2011 Trace Lara Hentz started the collective Blue Hand Books to help other Native writers publish their books and pay it forward.  Now she is writing as fast as she can. 
In 2019, she has reopened her publishing company as BLUE INDIANS BOOKS. 

[To order visit:] 

 The Argonauts and Citizen are each less than 160 pages long. They’re built from fragments and vignettes that don’t so much combine genres—personal essay, critical theory, poetry, and photography—as they put them into a blender and shred them. Both play with method and perspective to offer insight into crucial subjects... The Argonauts won a National Book Critics Circle Award, Citizen was a finalist for a National Book Award, and both can be found in major bookstores just about everywhere.

Shred? Combine? Mental Midgets... exactly!

Trace Lara Hentz (Shawnee-Cherokee- French Canadian-Euro mix) is an award winning journalist.  Known for her in-depth interviews for national Native newspaper NEWS FROM INDIAN COUNTRY, she won many awards, authored many academic papers, has contributed to Last Real Indians and Dissident Voice, and co-edited the acclaimed four-part book series Lost Children of the Indian Adoption Projects. [].
She is a multi-genre author, poet, journalist and activist.  Her work is heavily focused on Native American history and Native American adoption issues. [] []

Trace (formerly DeMeyer) lives at the foot of the Berkshire Mountains in Greenfield Massachusetts with her husband, a retired college administrator, Herb Hentz.
Native American Studies | Creative Non-Fiction
ISBN: 9781731074010 (Blue Indians Books)
Paperback $6.99   Kindle ebook $3.33
KOBO Canada ebook

Paperback ON EBAY $6.99! here
Blue Hand Books Collective is a small Native American-owned publishing company based in western New England.  Website:

Media Contact: Trace Hentz, Greenfield, Massachusetts,


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