Hey everyone! I am here, nursing a broken toe. Yup, it hurt (huge) yet it's the littlest toe. (Right foot.) I was cleaning and really jammed it. OMG! (I will skip the swearing I did at the time it happened.) It's not black-n-blue now. But really sore. - 

xox Trace

Here is AMAZING NEWS from New England:


Harvard completes repatriation of Native remains from eastern Massachusetts

by Nancy Eve Cohn | New England Public Media

Harvard University’s Peabody Museum and Warren Anatomical Museum recently completed the legal process for repatriating the remains of 313 Native people from eastern Massachusetts to Wampanoag communities in Mashpee and Aquinnah.

Harvard and other institutions are working on returning the remains of Native individuals from western and central Massachusetts.

After the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation became federal law in 1990, many museums took the first steps to comply — including reporting the number of human remains in their collections and which state and county they came from.

Jim Peters, a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe and the executive director of the Massachusetts Commission on Indian Affairs, said he worked with Harvard for the past couple of years on this recent repatriation.

“I think they’ve done the best they can,” Peters said about the Harvard museums. “It’s been a mountainous job that they may not have paid attention to in the past eras… They have come a long way.”

Peters said the next step is for the Wampanoag tribal communities to find final resting places to rebury the remains of those who died.

In an emailed statement Harvard University said it plans to start consultations on remains from other parts of the state.

“The Peabody Museum plans to reach out to invite consultation on the 25 ancestors from Central, Western and unknown locations in MA by the end of January. This includes the ancestors from Worcester, Hampshire and Franklin Counties and the ancestor from Franklin County from the Warren Anatomical Museum.”

Some other museums with the remains of people from central and western Massachusetts have either begun or plan to begin the process of repatriation.

Berkshire Museum is in the midst of the repatriation process for the remains of two individuals from Hampden County.

The Worcester Historical Museum, which has the remains of two individuals, plans to seek funding to hire someone to guide them through the repatriation process.

“My biggest concern with the whole process is ensuring that everything is done correctly,” said Shelley Cathcart, the museum’s curator.

According to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation database, the American Museum of Natural History in New York City has the remains of five individuals from Franklin County (I live here) and one from Hampden County.

In an emailed statement the museum said it has “not received any inquiries or claims for these six individuals.”

The museum did not say whether it had invited native groups to consult, “but welcomes engagement with any interested native communities regarding these individuals.”


👇How cold is it? A REAL ARCTIC BLAST

Mount Washington, highest peak in Northeast

Dan Tuohy/ NHPR
Meteorologists say when temperatures reached well below zero Friday night, the situation was "scary but fascinating."  

Record low temperatures and extreme winds hit the northeastern United States this weekend – including New Hampshire, where a new wind chill record has been set for the U.S.

Meteorologists recorded a 108 degrees below zero wind chill Saturday morning at the Mount Washington Observatory.  The summit’s actual temperature dropped to minus 47 degrees, the lowest since 1943, and wind speeds topped 120 miles per hour. 

(Yes, it is cold but I grew up in northern Wisconsin and am quite familiar with ARCTIC COLD... TLH)


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