WJH: Not on Nightly News?

That's a nuclear submarine in the Long Island Sound in July 2021 (photo: Herb) I have seen two in my lifetime. Have you ever seen one?  Are submarines still a thing? READ ABOUT NEW TYPES 


I'll continue with my "WHAT JUST HAPPENED" (WJH) theme... hmmm.... why was some of this stuff not mentioned on nightly news?  

 The Earth is rumbling beneath Yellowstone National Park again, with swarms of more than 1,000 earthquakes recorded in the region in July 2021, according to a new U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) report. This is the most seismic activity the park has seen in a single month since June 2017, when a swarm of more than 1,100 rattled the area, the report said.

Fortunately, these earthquakes were minor ones, with only four temblors measuring in the magnitude-3 range (strong enough to be felt, but unlikely to cause any damage) — and none of the quakes signal that the supervolcano underneath the park is likely to blow, park seismologists said. (Hmmm, are they sure???)

"While above average, this level of seismicity is not unprecedented, and it does not reflect magmatic activity," according to the USGS report. "If magmatic activity were the cause of the quakes, we would expect to see other indicators, like changes in deformation style or thermal/gas emissions, but no such variations were detected."

Throughout July 2021, the University of Utah Seismograph Stations, which are responsible for monitoring and analyzing quakes in the Yellowstone park region, recorded a total of 1,008 earthquakes in the area.  These quakes came in a series of seven swarms, with the most energetic event occurring on July 16. According to the USGS, at least 764 quakes rattled the ground deep below Yellowstone Lake that day, including a magnitude-3.6 earthquake — the single largest of the month. The month's remaining six swarms were all smaller, including between 12 and 40 earthquakes apiece, all measuring below magnitude 3, the report said.

These quakes are nothing to worry about, the USGS added, noting that the earth-shaking is likely the result of motion on preexisting faults below the park. Fault movements can be stimulated by melting snow, which increases the amount of groundwater seeping under the park and increases pressure levels underground, the researchers said. (Yeah, sure)

Yellowstone is one of the most seismically active regions in the U.S.; the area is typically hit by anywhere from 700 to 3,000 earthquakes a year, most of which are imperceptible to visitors, according to the National Park Service. The biggest quake on record in Yellowstone was the magnitude-7.3 Hebgen Lake quake, in 1959.

Why so shaky? The park sits atop a network of fault lines associated with an enormous volcano buried deep beneath the ground (this volcano last erupted about 70,000 years ago, according to the USGS). Earthquakes occur as the region's fault lines stretch apart, and as magma, water and gas move beneath the surface. These features also feed the park's reliable geysers and steamy hot springs.

The Yellowstone volcano has erupted several times in the past, with gargantuan eruptions occurring every 725,000 years or so. If this schedule is accurate, the park is due for another big eruption in about 100,000 years. Such an eruption would devastate the entire United States, clogging rivers with ash across the continent and causing widespread drought and famine.   Originally published on Live Science.


Vibration (medicine) is something we all missed in school

One last thing: WEAR A (funny) MASK

Let's mess with AI (artificial intelligence: what an oxymoron) every single day


The Obama administration, the Trump administration, and now the Biden administration all agreed that, on a planet already filled with devastating nuclear weapons, the U.S. must begin construction of a new class of 12 Columbia ballistic missile submarines. The Navy’s 2021 budget submission estimates that the total procurement cost for that 12-ship class of subs will be $109.8 billion. -

Navy awards $9.5 billion submarine contract to Electric Boat

Two cabinet secretaries tour Electric Boat to promote Biden jobs plan






Correct Answer: Graphene Oxide aka Black Goo (poison) 


Willow Croft said…
You know, I love the Hunt for Red October (the book and the movie) for some reason, but even then, it just seems like a silly (but serious and deadly) game played between adults who are acting like children. I was thinking...there should be a better way to resolve differences then run around with sub "toys" in the ocean, and also, that money could be put towards saving the environment and every species that is endangered and in creating a better world and we've used the money to kill each other with.

And then I saw this post, and was like "And we're still doing it?!?!?" Goodness gracious!
LT said…
Willow, I was shocked when I saw two real ones. Have you seen HUNTER KILLER movie? It's really good.
Yup, I lived in Groton for five years and never saw any until we went down to stayed at a motel on the Thames River and one came in, above water with sailor guys on top. Surreal!
The last one I saw was in 2020 - again in the Thames River - on it's way to the Navy base.

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