It's finally HERE! WHAT JUST HAPPENED? (Mental Midgets | Musqonocihte Book 1)


Award winning journalist and multi-genre Indigenous author Trace L. Hentz offers critical concise and insightful examination of current events, historical and headline news, and delves into the esoteric in her powerful new creative non-fiction “WHAT JUST HAPPENED,” the second in a series “It’s a Miracle We’ve Survived This Far.” As she explores in the book how the system isn’t broken, it was built this way, she expands on what is missing from today’s media coverage. “Our attention span is getting shorter so full-length books don’t translate and work for most people, so this book is 200 pages with intense yet brief analysis from some of the best minds, living or dead.”  Hentz expands her interviews with the late Santee Sioux poet prophet musician John Trudell in the fourth section.  Formatted in a similar fashion to her book MENTAL MIDGETS | Musqonocihte, WHAT JUST HAPPENED has new prose, poetry and her photography. How readers experience a book can be brutal intense uplifting or empowering, and Hentz’s new book delivers all.

Publisher and poet Trace L Hentz is the editor and author of the historical best-selling book series "Lost Children of the Indian Adoption Projects." 

“I did read your book Mental Midgets.  I go back to it again and again. I am amazed at your word power, insightfulness, truth and Vision.” - Author Mary Ellen Ryall

You can expect this new collection (in a new book series It's a Miracle We've Survived This Far) will have more for you to THINK about...ponder and discuss...
There are four sections in this book: ReEnchant the world, Cosmic Glue, Military Industrial Complex and the brilliance of John Trudell

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"What do I believe in? Sometimes everything. Sometimes nothing. It fluctuates like light flitting over a pond.”
― Patti Smith — michael jacobs (@michaeljaco) September 4, 2020


Tubularsock said…
Just seeing if this works.
Agent Tube, CIA
LT said…
Agent TUBE - I am still reading you buddy on WP.

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