STAY ALIVE: Hobo Code, Pine Needle Tea, Hemp

Make this your top priority

Marmot in Alaska asks, WHAT JUST HAPPENED? I tell marmot, "So much, too much, all at once."

 Maybe you and I, all of us, need to communicate in a whole new way, in code... so we can begin to trust each other and not the mainstream media.

Hobos developed a system of symbols and signs they’d write with chalk or coal to give fellow “Knights of the Road” directions, help, and warnings.

No one ever thinks things will get really really bad. The past few years, we have been drifting into new territory. Disaster movies were our only map for awhile... the filmmakers sold us on what an apocalypse would look like... but actually the movie writers could not have envisioned what we are seeing today. It's only going to get more shaky, much worse, I am sure.

What is Hobo Code? After the WORLD WARS, lots of soldiers came home and had to survive and traveled the states looking for work and rode railway trains, which developed into a new way to survive: writing a code for their protection.

 Are you feeling sick? Make pine needle tea. I have one article from Canada that pine pitch is made into a tea and it is very healing. Especially if you are not sure what is making you feel sick.


Load up on good information, and please remember::: we need to be calm, coherent, not chaotic, not afraid.

John Trudell spoke of hemp many times. Do you want to start a new company? How about hemp?

Is there anything hemp can’t do? A year after hemp became legal to grow in the United States, we’ve seen its power to make better clothing, better buildings and better medicine.


There’s nothing inherently wrong with humanity itself that is making a mess of things. The problem is that we’re swimming in lies that we’ve been indoctrinated into by liars who benefit from our remaining deceived. All our problems can be solved by moving from lies to truth. 

: The Problem Isn’t Human Nature, The Problem Is A Few Manipulative Sociopaths

I have more tips in my new book WHAT JUST HAPPENED... Trace (who started studied herbal medicine in the 1990s in Seattle.)



Michael Watson said…
Oh, Lara! We are indeed swimming in lies. I often feel I am drowning in them. I remember my father saying essentially the same thing when I was a kid. Morality has little traction......

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